
Visar inlägg från oktober, 2011

Empathy Quotient - a female brain

I just took a test found in the book "A whole new mind" by Dan Pink , measuring the Empathy Quotient (EQ) using "Simon Baron-Cohen´s sixty-question intrument ", which will determine whether you have a "female brain". My result was: * Your score: 58 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42) 53 - 63 is above average 64 - 80 is very high 80 is maximum But, to clarify things, I also did the test to check my "male brain" bona fides, measuring the Systemizing quotient (SQ). My result was: * Your score: 17 0 - 19 = low 20 - 39 = average (most women score about 24 and most men score about 30) 40 - 50 = above average (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score in this range) 51 - 80 is very high (three times as many people with Asperger Syndrome score in this range, compared to typical men, an...

Tala är guld, Elizabeth Gummesson

- Idag vann jag en bok: " Tala är guld " av Elizabeth Gummesson . Jag har varit på Talarforum ´s frukostföreläsningar ett antal gånger nu (se tidigare inlägg ). Denna gång var det på Elite Hotel Savoy i Malmö. Föreläsare var Elisabeth Gummesson som höll ett anförande på tema "Tala är guld" baserad på hennes bok med samma namn samt med undertiteln "Så kommunicerar du framgångsrikt i alla dina relationer". Det blev en väldigt inspirerande och varm tillställning. Igår kväll kollade jag upp lite om denna Elizabeth. Jag fick upp ett stort antal träffar, bl a visade det sig att hon ganska nyligen startat en blogg (fotot förresten knyckt från hennes bloggpost idag ). Hennes grundtes är att basera all kommunikation på värme och respekt. Lätt att säga - svårare att genomföra. Hon blandade historier från verkliga livet med små "modeller/teorier" kring kommunikation på ett alldeles förtäffligt sätt. En ren njutning att sitta i publiken. Talarforum l...

The nature of leadership

I Kontentan #252 (från 2007) behandlas boken "The Nature of Leadership - Reptiles, Mammals, and the challenge of Becoming a Great Leader", skriven av B. Joseph White . En riktigt bra bok som beskriver hur du blir en bättre och mer komplett ledare än den du redan är, eller rentav hur du blir en stor ledare. I denna bok beskrivs en Ledarskapspyramid (se bild till höger ödmjukt kopierad från denna webplats ) - en modell för ledarutveckling som beskriver de egenskaper som en bra/stor ledare bör ha. En ledares grundläggande krav ska vara en önskan att leda, en tillräcklig förmåga, en vilja att prestera och en stark integritet och karaktär. Utöver det så behöver en ledare ha vissa reptila egenskaper , såsom att kunna vara kallblodig, disciplinerad, ekonomisk, tuff, analytisk och noggrann. Detta ska kombineras med de däggdjurslika egenskaperna , såsom att vara varmhjärtad, omtänksam och bra på att kommunicera. Slutligen så krävs det vissa spjutspetsegenskaper för att bli e...

The divided brain by RSA Animate

A couple of days ago a new RSA Animate clip was produced - " The Divided Brain ", based on a lecture by Iain McGilchrist . I love this concept! Here is the exformative written summary of the YouTube clip embedded below: Left hemisphere is for narrow, sharply focused attention to details versus the right hemisphere is for sustained, broad, open, vigilant alertness. The right hemisphere yields a world of individual, changing, evolving, interconnected, implicit, incarnate living beings in the context of the lived world. For a broad understanding we use knowledge from the right hemisphere. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. I love the RSA concept, but I do not feel that this specific lecture gave me loads of new good stuff. I am pretty much into these topics, psychology and intuition, and I like this type of lectures where you get a new insight into the complexity of humanity, brought to us by the function of our brain. Latel...

The power of words

This video below is really amazing ... thanks Philipp Rosenthal for sharing. It illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world. " I wrote the same - but different words ". by Purplefeather : Change your words. Change your world.

Tony Robbins tells the Rocky story

Yesterday I met a collegue that attended a 4-day Tony Robbins inspiration halleluja meeting in Italy. She told me a story about how to chose your own attitude - from a "Oh, fuck" attitude, to a "Fuck you" attitude. She also told me that one really amazing inspirational story that she heard, was Tony Robbins telling "the Rocky story" - a story of motivation and commitment . I had to find it, and of course it was on YouTube (unfortunately not able to embed) but here is the link ! Having listening to this, I also saw that actually Sylvester Stallone is telling this story himself. Quite good also. See the first episode here: Then, I also heard that the next Anthony Robbins halleluja meeting in Europe, " Unleash the power within ",  is in London this May. Maybe time for some personal change... look into the "marketing video" below for a teaser: By the way, I am thinking of attending. Any month now, I will decide ... I must refle...

Decodifying a Tree

The picture to the right is from Wikipedia explaining Communication , "the communication code scheme". Wikipedia starts with: Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender What wikipedia has understood is that "the communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender". In the Tree case, people often have a common "schema" in interpreting the word Tree. But, for more complex scenarios, the words a sender is using to describe a scenario are ...

Exformation Magic7 October youth

Well, it is once again time for an exformation Magic7 music video list. This time I have chosen three young swedish pop idols to start with; Agnes, Tove Styrke and Eric Saade , performing their newest hit songs. Followed by magnificient new songs by international superstars OneRepublic , Kelly Clarkson and Adele . Finally, a surprise ... Directly from YouTube , enjoy: