Manage the pain of change

I like condensed exformative blog posts about leadership, especially if they are about "organizational change management". So, I was very pleased when I found a link in my Intra to the post "How leaders can handle the pain of change ", written by Melissa Lanier in the Linked 2 leadership blog. Melissa states "Very quickly, the people in an organization can go from positive and committed to actively disengaged . Change will fail if it is executed by disengaged people who are going through the motions to collect a paycheck. Leaders must connect with people and communicate through the pain of change to drive commitment". She clarifies the 7 questions every leader must answer in order to properly handle the pain of change in your organization: Where are we going? As a leader, you must paint the picture of where this change is going to take your organization. Tie your change initiative to organizational vision and values so that all it makes sen...