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Nexus by Yuval Noah Harari

The book Nexus by Yuval Noah Harari is a tough book to read. 407 pages describing " A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI ". I absolutely love this type of book and especially this specific book about information networks, but I have to admit that it´s a bit challenging to digest all its content. It is even harder to summarize it... But, I will try to summarize what Yuval is saying about the Alignment Problem ... bear with me. This is the x 4 mat !ve summary: the alignment problem: When computers are given a specific goal they use all their power and ingenuity to achieve this goal. Since they operate very differently from humans, they are likely to use methods their human overlords didn´t anticipate. This can result in dangerous unforeseen consequences that are not aligned with the original human goals . The more powerful and independent computers become, the bigger the danger. The alignment problem is not new - it was discussed already in Claus...

Inglehart-Welzel world cultural map 2023

One if the most interesting maps that exists is the one from World Values Survey called Inglehart-Welzel world cultural map measuring 1) Traditional values versus Secular-rational values and 2) Survival values versus Self-expression values. (see map below - if you want to see the changes from 1981 to 2015, click this link ). World Values Survey (WVS) is an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious and cultural values of people in the world. WVS is at the moment the largest non-commercial cross-national empirical time-series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed. This cultural map has so many interesting implications in order to understand how integration in a western society can go wrong, for example within a country like Sweden. Sweden is extreme when it comes to Self-expression values and Secular-rational values. This means that in Sweden we believe that God and Religion is not th...

The 7th Yoga Mela - 2024

A week ago I attended the 7 th Yoga Mela International Yoga & Sacred Music Festival presented by Divinya outside Eslöv. I didn´t really know what to expect beforehand and now looking back to the event, I have to say that my expectations were exceeded by far. Such an amazing & awesome experience. From the festival program: At Yoga Mela we come together to celebrate the transformative essence of Yoga as a way of life. The days are filled with profound wisdom teachings, authentic yoga, devotional sacred music and a transformational togetherness.   At Yoga Mela we want to celebrate the life which is already enlightened, the life which is already beautiful and perfect - the Divine which dwells inside of everything and everyone, always. There were many artists that performed during the festival. I especially appreciated Deva Premal & Miten , Mirabai Ceiba and Carrie Tree. As Yoga teachers, we could enjoy classes by e.g Simon Park , Tommy Rosen and Kia Miller. We also h...

Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown

I want to give you an x 4 ma T!ve summary of the book " Atlas of the Heart - mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience" where Brené Brown "takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human". Earlier I have written a number of blog posts related to Brené Brown. I can recommend her TED talk " Power of vulnerability" that I wrote about in a post 2013 , a post describing her thoughts about Blame and Empathy using RSA short episodes "Espresso for the mind" and finally my review (på svenska) of her book "Trotsa vildmarken ". From  the book   Atlas of the Heart : #1 Places We Go When Things Are Uncertain or Too Much Stress, Overwhelm, Anxiety, Worry, Avoidance, Excitement, Dread, Fear, Vulnerability " Overwhelmed means an extreme level of stress, an emotional and/or cognitive intensity to the point of feeling unable to function" "you are ...

Putin´s Way (documentary) - Frontline

Datumet 24 februari 2022 kommer för alltid vara förknippat med dagen då Ryssland påbörjade sin invasion av Ukraina. Det många trodde var omöjligt i modern tid, ett stort krig inom Europa, hade påbörjats. Rysslands motivering till invasionen, att bland annat avnazifiera och avmilitärisera Ukraina, är ju så bedrövliga att de inte går att kommentera på något vettigt vis... Varför gör Putin detta?  Jag hittade en dokumentär gjord av Frontline Public Broadcasting Services (som verkar skapligt oberoende) som heter " Putin´s Way (full documentary) " - finns att se via Youtube - se länk .  Jag tänkte summera some interesting statements from this documentary: Putin has so many guilty secrets, so much money has been stolen, that he really doesn´t trust anybody to keep him safe if he steps down from power. Instead of seeing Russia as a democracy in the process of failing, we need to see it as an authoritarian system in the process of succeeding. There has always been corruption in Ru...

Lean-Agile leadership

What is specific with Lean-Agile leadership ? From SAFe home page you can read more about the cornerstones of Lean-Agile leadership . I would like to emphasize three components that are close to my heart - emotional intelligence, growth mindset and organizational change management practices. First , as a Lean-Agile leader you need to "Lead by Example". In order to do this you need to " model behaviors that foster a generative culture ". The following behaviors create the foundation for this dimension of leadership: Authenticity Emotional Intelligence Life-long learning Growing others Decentralized decision making I have been interested in  Emotional Intelligence (EQ) since about 2005, starting out by reading the book "Emotional intelligence" by Daniel Goleman. I am a certified coach within the Emotional Intelligence framework EQ-i 2.0 and I strongly believe every leader has to understand this set of skills that has been defined within the positive psych...

Happiness calendar from Greater Good Science Center

Today is first of August. We have had a warm and sunny July in the south of Sweden - now it is time to think about autumn activities like going back to work.  One way af getting a good start after summer is to follow the Happiness calendar from Greater Good Science Center , part of Berkeley university. Science tells us that focusing on your personal well-being and happiness will support you in becoming more successful in life. Sounds good? If you are interested in the Science of Happiness , you can find more information here . Some examples from the August Happiness Calendar : Find your sense of purpose in life Take a walk outside Do something fun - play Find experiences of awe, beauty and wonder Take a nap Express warmth and compassion to your kids Make your partner  laugh Believe in human goodness Happiness is something you can measure. I found this video on Youtube from CNBC explaining why people in the Nordic countries are the happiest in the world (find more about " D...

Sustainability, Happiness and Authentic leadership

This Sunday I had the opportunity to take part in a conversation related to Sustainability , Happiness and Authentic leadership . The host was my good friend Tomas Holasek from Abintus Consulting who had invited me to the Emprogage "Best For The World Broadcast" via Youtube. I contributed by explaining how the specific framework of Emotional Intelligence called EQ-i 2.0 can be used in order to describe which abilities that are preferable in order to act authentic and as a role model. We covered also the fact that happiness and well-being is a good starting point if you want to be successful in life. The EQ-i 2.0 framework from MHS describing the 15 subscales of emotional intelligence: In the video below you can among many things learn more about the six abilities that you can practice in order to become a truly authentic leader : Self-Actualization Reality Testing Self-Regard Emotional Self-Awareness Social Responsibility Independence I hope you will enjoy the session - r...

International Day of Happiness 2021

Today is the International Day of Happiness . It is an annual event organized by the United Nations to promote the idea that feeling happy is a global human right. The theme for this year´s International Day of Happiness is " Keep Calm, Stay Wise. Be Kind " and is in response to the COVID pandemic. Learn more about this day from United Nations or from the site . Every year UN publish a World Happiness Report including among many things a global survey measuring  subjective well-being among countries, mainly using the Gallup World Poll which measures life evaluation and positive/negative emotions . For many years the Nordic countries have been in the top in this ranking and this is also true this year. Below picture shows the top 20 countries in Ranking of Happiness 2018-2020: To learn more about happiness in the Nordic countries, you can read my short summary of the book " The little book of Lykke (Happiness) " written by Meik Wiking. From this bo...

Supporting the mental health of Remote employees

From you can find a post describing " 10 creative ways Organizations are supporting the mental health of Remote employees" . A research study conducted partly by Harvard Business Review found that:   " 85% of people have expressed a decline in well-being  since the start of the pandemic" From the article, a summary of what you can do to promote mental health : Make Mental Health a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Set health and wellness targets and value these just as much as your Business KPI´s. This is to signal to people that they take their well-being seriously Extend Employee Mental Health Benefits to Dependants Support not only the employee, but also their spouse and children in various health benefit programs in order to promote employee emotional well-being Make Mental Health a Company Value Define values like "Be Kind to Your Mind" meaning that you should avoid unnecessary urgency and have a 48 hour response time to team emails Adopt an...

Tony Robbins - New World, new You Challenge

I attended the Tony Robbins " New World - new You Challenge " last weekend. It was awesome, as everything tends to be when Tony is involved ( see my blog post from his UPW in 2013 here ). This Challenge was a five days times 2,5 hours virtual session in order " to learn the tools and strategies you need to THRIVE in this new world ". It´s not that easy to summarize this type of experience, but Tony helped out with 4 infographics... Day 1 The quality of my life, is the same as the quality of my emotions Energy is a habit! Warrior - Magician - Lover - King Change your Story - change your Life Day 2 People are not their behaviors Power posture - Peak state ! Day 3 Take massive actions Don´t fall in love with your product Over-deliver, give more I´m the creator of my life Step up! Day 4 Lack of intimacy I´m responsible for making my relationships work You can´t influence another person if you are judging them I´m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Personality isn´t permanent

The other day I got a proposal from author and entrepreneur Benjamin Hardy . I subscribe to his mailing list since November last year when I wrote this blog post summarizing his "Culture Wall" . The proposal was: - Do you want to read and review my new book "Personality isn´t permanent" before it comes out June 16? - I said Yes! The book is interesting for everyone interested in personal development and how you create your Future Self.  I believe it is well written and enlightening in many ways. Buy the book here . My own focus linked to personal development is all about developing your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) . This book actually talks a lot of personal development by developing your emotional skills. So, the book totally resonates with my way of looking into personality and personal development. "Life is a journey - keep developing and focus on creating new better versions of yourself" My way of reviewing books, articles, TED-seminars and...

Remote working by LinkedIn

When corona virus started to spread around the world, LinkedIn decided to "give away" a training for free. A way of inspiring us how to become better at Remote Working . Directly from LinkedIn Learning - the professional development business course link "Remote Working": Setting Yourself and your Teams up for Success . See my short exformative summary from two of the courses below... The starting course is: Tips for Working Remotely by Todd Dewett Plan your work day Which tasks absolutely have to be done? What, if anything, is behind schedule ? What´s the most important work in front of you? Where do you expect the most challenges ? Establishing a dedicated workspace Natural light Noise control Good temperature Quality chair and specific desk Make your workspace personal Staying focused while working remotely Respect work time Avoid distractions Check email sparingly (sparsamt) Keep "office" hours Keep distrac...