
Change management by happiness

What is really organizational change management? John Kotter has written a lot of books about Change management ; "Leading Change, The Heart of Change, Our Iceberg is melting", where he also explains his famous eight steps to successful change . What else is written about change management? In our internal Yammer tool, I have discovered some new thoughts about this topic.... From Forbes I found an article describing 5 Lessons From A Professional Change Agent (Thanks Dilyana and Juha). Carol Kinsey Goman , is a “professional change agent,” hired to help leaders become more effective communicators. For twenty-five years she has studied, written about, and addressed business conferences on the topic of leading change. She has also learned a lot from the communication trials and triumphs of the business professionals she coaches. Here’s what she has learned so far: People are more important than strategy Emotion has more impact than lo...

Seven habits - the public victory

I would like to share my exformative summary of "the public victory" from the book " The seven habits of highly effective people - powerful lessons in personal change" by Stephen R. Covey . To see my exformative summary of the private victory, click here . The public victory is all about interdependance ... THINK WIN/WIN Stephen Covey defines six paradigms of human interaction: Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Win, Lose/Lose, Win, Win/Win or No Deal. The Win/Win paradigm is a frame of mind and heart, meaning that agreements or solutions should be mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. Win/Win is a belief in the Third alternative . It´s not your way or my way; it´s a bettter way, a higher way . The principle of Win/Win embraces five interdependant dimensions of life. It begins with character and moves toward relationships, out of which flow agreements. It is nurtured in an environment where structure and systems are based on Win/Win. And it involves process; we ...

Are you a Happy Leader?

If not, have a look into this amazing YouTube clip, and I promise that you will have a smile on your face within a minute:

Exformation Magic7 February Energy boost

Well, it is time for  a new exformation magic7 music video list. Use it as an energy boost at work, as a party starter at your TV/Boxee equipment or just in your laptop for visually listening to some good music. This time with Avicci, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, Laleh, Adam Tensta, Ciara, Don Omar och Erik Prydz . Enjoy, directly from YouTube :

Not logical, it´s psychological

This picture is used in the book "Seven habits of highly effective people", written by Stephen R. Covey , to describe that two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It´s not logical ; it´s psychological . Covey writes: "Each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we are objective . But this is not the case. We see the world, not as it is , but as we are -or, as we are conditioned to see it. When we open our mouths to describe what we see, we in effect describe ourselves, our perceptions, our paradigms." This means that we often have disagreements depending on some strange thought that we are right and the other person is wrong, when maybe both are right - due to having different experiences and beliefs. To read more about "seven habits", go here ! Finally, which woman do you see? The young, good looking or the old hag ? Why?!

The Gold Mine Effect - 10000 hours

I got help to enter the door to the " Talarforum breakfast seminar" by a hotel employee at Savoy hotel in Malmö. I was 5 minutes late to Rasmus Ankersen talking about "The Gold Mine Effect" due to "eagerness to act child supportive" in the morning (last minute home-work check, helping out with caviar on my daughters sandwich...) and mis-judgement of the weather and traffic situation (removing ice from the front window of my car before being able to drive away, slow traffic on the highway due to a temperature some degrees below zero)... Sitting down I found myself in the middle of the Simon Kjaer story (see video clip further down below)... Rasmus, a former football player that did not make it to the top himself, continued to tell us that he some years ago got obsessed to figure out what it is that creates high performers? Is it talent or is it hard work? (Picture from Keith Bird agency ) To figure out how some of the best athleetes in the world do it...

Great by choice av Jim Collins

I Kontentan #340 så summeras boken " Great by choice - hur några företag blomstrar trots osäkerhet, kaos och (o)tur", skriven av Jim Collins samt Morten T. Hansen . Boken "redovisar slutsatserna i ett forskningsprojekt med syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som är avgörande för hur ett företag klarar sig under osäkra tider. Ett antal framgångsrika företag valdes ut för studien och de jämfördes sedan med liknande företag som inte ahde lyckats." Min exformativa summering av Kontentans 8-sidiga summering blir såhär: De företag som valdes ut kallas för 10-gångersföretag, eftersom deras resultat var minst tio gånger bättre än branschindex. Hur utmärkte sig dessa företag då? Jo, "tre nyckelegenskaper utkristalliserades hos 10-gångersledarna: Fanatisk disciplin, empirisk kreativitet och produktiv paranoia . Dessutom fanns hos dem en ambition som attraherar på ett djupare plan; de vill åstadkomma något som är större och mer bestående än dem själva." ...