Change management by happiness

What is really organizational change management?
John Kotter has written a lot of books about Change management; "Leading Change, The Heart of Change, Our Iceberg is melting", where he also explains his famous eight steps to successful change.

What else is written about change management?
In our internal Yammer tool, I have discovered some new thoughts about this topic....

From Forbes I found an article describing 5 Lessons From A Professional Change Agent (Thanks Dilyana and Juha).
Carol Kinsey Goman, is a “professional change agent,” hired to help leaders become more effective communicators. For twenty-five years she has studied, written about, and addressed business conferences on the topic of leading change. She has also learned a lot from the communication trials and triumphs of the business professionals she coaches. Here’s what she has learned so far:
  1. People are more important than strategy
  2. Emotion has more impact than logic
  3. Your behavior is more persuasive than what you say
  4. Informal networks are more influential than formal communication channels
  5. Nonverbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication
She says: "Your words can address the rationale behind change, but your body language connects with your audiences at a subconscious and emotional level. That’s why successful leaders recognize the importance of everything that isn’t being said, but is being communicated."
My reflection - this is all about exformative communication.

The best way to start a change process, is to start within yourself. I found another article about inspiration, called "18 ways to inspire everyone around you" (Thanks Juha), from Marc and Angel Hack Life blog. Great stuff - condensed statements in how to live our lives in order to feel good about oneself and to inspire others.

One article I especially liked is about happiness, called "6 habits of happiness worth cultivating" (Thanks Juha). I have earlier written about "Primal leadership" by Daniel Goleman. Primal leadership says "the leaders primal task is to manage his own inner life so that he is acting authentic, positive and with high-energy, then making sure that all his/her followers feel and act that way too" (read full blog post).
The six habits, described by Greater good Berkely, are:

Earlier I have written some other blog posts about Change management.
E.g, one post about some major statements regarding Leading Change, that is a good checklist to read through whenever you need inspiration. In Swedish, you find some quotes about Change management, and a short summary of the book Leading Change by John Kotter...

Well, that was it for this time about Change management... it´s all about exformation!


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