Andre Agassi - rebellen?!

Jag blev rekommenderad att läsa boken "Open - an autobiography" om/av Andre Agassi . Alltså, självbiografin om Andre Aggasi´s liv . En grymt bra bok. En överraskande bok, på många sätt. Utan att berätta för mycket så vill jag citera inledningen - den ger en inblick i Andre´s mycket speciella värld och visar på språket och "melodin" som används i boken: "I´m seven years old, talking to myself, because I´m scared, and because I´m the only person who listen to me. Under my breath I whisper: Just quit, Andre, just give up. Put down your racket and walk off this court, right now. Go into the house and get something good to eat. Play with Rita, Philly, or Tami. Sit with Mom while she knits or does her jigsaw puzzle. Doesn´t that sound nice? Wouldn´t that feel like heaven, Andre? To just quit? To never play tennis again? But I can´t. Not only would my father chase me around the house with my racket, but something in my gut, some deep unseen muscle, won´t let me. ...