We´re All in Sales Now - Dan Pink

A small part of the book "To Sell Is Human" by Dan Pink is now animated by RSA Shorts (see below). See my earlier blog post about this book here . (Picture from sachachua.com) The summary: We´re All in Sales Now The foundational qualities of being effective in persuading, influencing, convincing, moving people: Attunement - understand their perspective Can I understand someone else´s point of view? Buoyancy - interrogative self-talk Can I remain resilient and buoyant in the face of rejection? Clarity - curate all the information Can I help someone make their way through this murk of information… and clarify it? And: The quality of the problem that is found is the forerunner of the solution attained. Problem Finders : experiment, switch direction and take longer time to complete their work Establish "common ground" The way to do it more effectively is to just Be a Little Bit More Human Here comes the "video...