TED - Radical transparency och Algorithmic decision-making

Ett TED Talk som berör... om hur du använder dig av Radical transparency & Algorithmic decision-making för att uppnå framgång... Ray Dalio startade Bridgewater 1975 och har sedan dess etablerat sig som en enormt framgångsrik investerare och filantrop. Han publicerade den animerade filmen " How the Economic Machine Works " för några år sedan - en berättelse om hur ekonomin i dagens samhälle fungerar. Summering av hans TED Talk "How to build a company where the best ideas win": In order to be an effective investor , one has to bet against the consensus and be right . In order to be a successful entrepreneur , one has to bet against the consensus and be right . What would I do differently in the future so I wouldn´t make that painful mistake? What an arrogant jerk! I was so arrogant, and I was so wrong! How do I know I´m right? I wanted to have an idea meritocracy in which the best ideas would win out. I realized that...