
Visar inlägg från mars, 2021

Sustainability, Happiness and Authentic leadership

This Sunday I had the opportunity to take part in a conversation related to Sustainability , Happiness and Authentic leadership . The host was my good friend Tomas Holasek from Abintus Consulting who had invited me to the Emprogage "Best For The World Broadcast" via Youtube. I contributed by explaining how the specific framework of Emotional Intelligence called EQ-i 2.0 can be used in order to describe which abilities that are preferable in order to act authentic and as a role model. We covered also the fact that happiness and well-being is a good starting point if you want to be successful in life. The EQ-i 2.0 framework from MHS describing the 15 subscales of emotional intelligence: In the video below you can among many things learn more about the six abilities that you can practice in order to become a truly authentic leader : Self-Actualization Reality Testing Self-Regard Emotional Self-Awareness Social Responsibility Independence I hope you will enjoy the session - r...

Leading from anywhere av David Burkus

Sugen på ytterligare några heta tips på hur du leder på distans? Då ska du fortsätta läsa detta inlägg... Boken " Leading from Anywhere -The Essential Guide to Managing Remote Teams" skriven av David Burkus ger dig verktyg för att hantera utmaningar som kulturskapande, produktivitet och kreativitet.  Nedan axplock är en eX 4 Mat !v summering av Chef BOKEN #2 2021: Forskning visar att distansarbetare får mer gjort på kortare tid och dessutom har  lägre sjukfrånvaro Tre aspekter som ett team måste ha på plats för att distansarbete ska fungera: En gemensam förståelse för varandra - man behöver lära känna varandra och reda ut vilka beteenden och vanor som ska gälla för gruppen.  En gemensam identitet - klargör vilka vi är som grupp samt koppla individuella prestationer till gruppens överordnade mål Ett gemensamt syfte - ska svara på frågor som "Vad kämpar vi för?" eller "Vilket problem försöker vi lösa?" Den viktigaste aspekten för högpresterande team är:...

International Day of Happiness 2021

Today is the International Day of Happiness . It is an annual event organized by the United Nations to promote the idea that feeling happy is a global human right. The theme for this year´s International Day of Happiness is " Keep Calm, Stay Wise. Be Kind " and is in response to the COVID pandemic. Learn more about this day from United Nations or from the site . Every year UN publish a World Happiness Report including among many things a global survey measuring  subjective well-being among countries, mainly using the Gallup World Poll which measures life evaluation and positive/negative emotions . For many years the Nordic countries have been in the top in this ranking and this is also true this year. Below picture shows the top 20 countries in Ranking of Happiness 2018-2020: To learn more about happiness in the Nordic countries, you can read my short summary of the book " The little book of Lykke (Happiness) " written by Meik Wiking. From this bo...

Supporting the mental health of Remote employees

From you can find a post describing " 10 creative ways Organizations are supporting the mental health of Remote employees" . A research study conducted partly by Harvard Business Review found that:   " 85% of people have expressed a decline in well-being  since the start of the pandemic" From the article, a summary of what you can do to promote mental health : Make Mental Health a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Set health and wellness targets and value these just as much as your Business KPI´s. This is to signal to people that they take their well-being seriously Extend Employee Mental Health Benefits to Dependants Support not only the employee, but also their spouse and children in various health benefit programs in order to promote employee emotional well-being Make Mental Health a Company Value Define values like "Be Kind to Your Mind" meaning that you should avoid unnecessary urgency and have a 48 hour response time to team emails Adopt an...