En bild säger mer än 1000 ord

En bild säger mer än 1000 ord , eller... Benjamin Hardy har i ovan foto samlat 20 tavlor med påstående som enligt honom kommer lära dig mer än att läsa 100 böcker . Hans påstående är ( läs hela hans inlägg här ): Behavior Drives Motivation the best way to predict your future is to create it Action Precedes Inspiration inspiration is something you need to design for and actively seek out Success Precedes Confidence when you lose confidence , you lose everything Behavior Shapes Personality you can transform how you live You Make Or Brake Your Life Before 8AM you need to put first things first 100% Is Easier Than 98% willpower is for people who are still uncertain about what they want to do When You Make A Decision The Universe Conspires To Make It Happen whatever the mind can believe, it can achieve Write It Down - Watch It Happen writing down your dreams will make them more emotional for you We Tap Into A Vast Ocean Of Abundan...