Margareta Sjölund har nyligen gett ut boken "EQ in ACTION - why Emotional Intelligence is Essential to Success in Business and in Life". Boken ger en utmärkt överblick inom området emotionella förmågor (EQ) och hur man kan använda verktyget EQ-i 2.0 för att kartlägga och utveckla en persons EQ samt utifrån det utveckla en organisations effektivitet och säkra framgång.

Några eX4mat!va smakprov från boken:

Emotional intelligence is the spark
that ignites a company´s performance,
creating a bonfire of success or a landscape of ashes

- Daniel Goleman

EQ kan mätas via verktyget EQ-i 2.0
from abetterversion.co.uk

The greatest ability in business is to
get along with others and influence their actions

- John Hancock

The evidence is increasingly compelling. Emotional intelligence can be measured, developed and learned, and can make a significant impact on organizational performance. EQ may be the essential differentiator between good and great organizations in an increasingly competitive and complex marketplace.

The most important EQ skills for senior managers:
interpersonal relationships
reality testing

All things being equal, we will work harder and more effectively for people we like...
and we like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel

- Irwin Federman

The road to higher emotional intelligence is not a destination,
it´s a journey

- Fernandez-Araoz

The well-being of ourselves, our families and our organizations as well as the sustainability of our societies depends on each of us using our emotions intelligently

An emotionally intelligent organization can be defined as "An organization´s ability to successfully and efficiently cope with change and accomplish its goals, while being responsible and sensitive to its people, customers, suppliers, networks and society"

Lär dig ännu mer om EQ via något av mina andra inlägg om emotionella förmågor, t ex tips från boken Emotional Intelligence av Daniel Goleman, eller från något av mina andra inlägg om EQ...


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