Communication is about simplicity

I have found a new favourite. Garr Reynolds, a presentation designer and internationally acclaimed communications expert. He is into exformation without knowing it yet!
Please visit his blog and look into his presentation below - I give you some highlights:

Presentation is the "Killer Skill" we take into the real world, it´s almost an unfair advantage [The McKinsey Mind]

Death by powerpoint! instead: use Storytelling - images, narration, audio!
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" [Leonardo da Vinci]

Plan "analog" - Simplicity needs Creativity!
For preparation: step back, find alone time, use inclusion and exclusion, what´s your story?

Read: Made to stick! [Heath] - A whole new mind [Dan Pink]
"We are all designers" [Tom Peters]

Logic isn´t enough => you need passion
tell a Story - simple, Honest, Fresh, Visual, open, Natural

Directly from authors@Google:


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