Leading change

Igår kväll hemkommen från London efter att ha tillbringat en vecka med att förkovra mig kring Change management. Lyxigt. Helgen tillbringades därefter tillsammans med frun med att shoppa, gå på musical, äta & dricka gott... Lyxigt. Här följer några utdrag ur " Making sense of Change management " av Cameron & Green , kapitel 4 ( Leading change ): Visionary leadership: unless you know where you are going, and why, you cannot possibly get there. Leaders prepare organizations for change and help them cope as they struggle through it. Visionary leaders all appear to have a central story that connects with the audience´s point and which also is embodied in the leader him- or herself. Leadership of the 21st century organizations is about challenging people, taking them out of their comfort zones, letting people feel external pressure and exposing conflict. Leaders should help others make good connections, and to develop a sense of common purpose across boundaries, thus build...