Be the first win to synergize the saw

I would like myself to be proactive ... Sometimes it is difficult, but tomorrow I really would like myself to begin with the end in mind while writing an extraordinary blog post about the Stephen Covey seven habits of highly effective people. I truly believe that I right now should be in my sofa looking at TV, to put first things first, like Fredrik and Filip or Karatefylla. When I think about life, I really think Win-Win. Why? Because, in all my inter-human interactions, I Seek first to understand, then to be understood. After some meditation and reflection, I usually synergize and finally, I look around in despair, looking for a place where I can Sharpen the saw.
By the way, picture from

In real life, I found this video clip, directly from YouTube.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in Five Minutes from

That was pretty good. But wait, the Hindu version is even better. Directly from YouTube, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey's a Hindu Take by Satguru Bodhinatha:

Hey, wait, there is one more. This one is all about pure joy, from Malaysia (and by the way, found via YouTube):


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