Covey´s 8th habit

When I was in Africa on my extended safari-weekend self-actualization Masai Mara trip last week, I read "the seven habits of highly effective people" by Stephen R Covey, again. I read it thoroughly and I felt it was a great book that I can learn so much from. Then, in the end, I found out that there exists also a 8th habit written a while ago, about how to grow yourself into wisdom in the knowledge worker era. The 8th habit - from effectiveness to greatness!

An exformative summary:

Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

5 metastasizing cancers:
- criticizing
- complaining
- comparing
- competing
- contending

4 intelligences:
IQ - Mind: Use me creatively - Vision
EQ - Heart: Treat me kindly - Passion
PQ - Body: Pay me fairly - Discipline
SQ - Spirit: Serving human needs in principled ways - Conscience

3 challenges:
- trim tab
- empower
- co mission

In communication: use the Indian Talking stick
Personal - Leadership - Organizational

Leave a Legacy

Finally, direct from Vimeo and YouTube, 47 minutes about the 8th habit:

[Stephen R Covey] 8th Habit (LIVE DVD) from LightWorker on Vimeo.


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