Share your shit - Just add daylight

My favourite author and the "creator of the word exformation", Tor Nörretranders, made this evening talk in a conference (reboot11) last year:
How to reboot civilisation - "A guide for beginners"

He wants us to build a civilisation based on daylight, the whole daylight and nothing but daylight. I really like his humble approach!

Below you find my exformative summary of the talk:

An Ecosphere - a closed system with maintenance free pets (schrimps) - only needs light

Share your shit!
Bright green; Viridian design => - Cradle to Cradle
Re Invent Every Thing

Flow (Solar, wind, wave)
86 000 TW (Solar) > 15 TW (Global consumption)

Civilisation as we have to invent it - Flow from the star above
Just add daylight

Build a civilisation based on daylight, the whole daylight and nothing but daylight

All you need is light

Civilisation 2.0
Dare, share and care

The link age
Daylight is the model

Act softly - Act gently - Act in a flow

The civilisation of Dawn



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