Magical to Sell is Human by Dan Pink

You know that I love Daniel Pink. He has written "Drive", "A whole new mind" and "Johnny Bunko".
His latest book is "To Sell is Human". I have not read it yet AND after exploring the net I can clearly say that I will read it very soon...

The book is about the new ABC´s in sales:
Attunement, seing the world from the perspective of the buyer
Buoyancy, how do you remain in a positive state when you are dealing with rejections
Clarity, how do you help people understand what you´re actually offering, and why the buyer doesn´t want to buy.

“A fresh look at the art and science of sales using a mix of social science, survey research and stories.”

By searching the internet, I found the below summaries regarding this book. If you like to read, from I found a short summary of the book - if you don´t feel like you have time to read the full book just now, this is a perfect teaser. And, there are of course some interesting "summaries" available via YouTube, e.g this clip from "Thinker TV" that I can highly recommend:

Another clip, a little bit animated, is this 2 minute short clip from RiverheadBooks:

If you have some more time, you can actually listen to Dan Pink "selling" his book in below interview from InfluenceOlogy - a videointerview one Saturday morning some time ago:

In the interview above, Dan mentions the number1 book that has inspired him writing this book - it is "Influence" by Robert B. Cialdini. This book was actually part of my social psychology class I took in university some years ago - Interesting.

Well, from an exformation perspective, I hope this information blog post package has influenced you into buying this book... so it seems like I am also a salesman...

The book can be bought t ex at Bokus och adlibris.


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