Kriget mellan Israel och terrororganisationen Hamas - varför just nu?

Det är tuffa tider i världen just nu. De senaste veckorna har kriget mellan Israel och terrororganisationen Hamas överskuggat det brutala angreppskriget av Ryssland mot Ukraina. Vad är det som händer i världen och varför sker det just nu?

Den kanadensiska kliniska psykologen Jordan Peterson ger en enligt mig knivskarp analys i en intervju med journalisten Piers Morgan i hans program "Piers Morgan uncensored" som sändes 31 oktober 2023. Jordan Peterson ger svar på tal och beskriver på djupet vad som triggade Hamas att begå den terrorattack de genomförde den 7 oktober samt beskriver några grundorsaker till varför världen har hamnat där vi är just nu. Så, min rekommendation är att se nedan intervju - den kommer berika ditt liv och beskriva de bakomliggande skälen till varför Hamas agerar som de gör just nu.

Om du bara har några minuter över - läs min exformativa summering nedan istället...

Några "highlights" från intervjun:

Iran is desperate - they see the Abraham Accords as an existential threat.
They use Hamas to provoke Israel and the world

The Islam world should move in the direction of the Abraham Accords - a union of the abrahamic people

This is a propaganda war - there´s a lot at stake!

Jews are the "canary in the coalmine" for a tolerate culture - they are "easy target", because they are a successful minority

Twitter is a very complicated social media platform - Twitter invites and rewards a certain amount of impulsivity which are dangerous when the stakes are serious.

The Abraham Accords are the most promising thing that´s happened in seven decades regarding the conflict between Israel and the muslim world

Historically - both sides have a just cause. Neither Israel or Palestine are going away. 

Remember, Palestinians have been held hostage even more effectively by their own leadership than by Israel. They are used as "expendable front man" to irritate Israel in the West

Palestinians have the responsibility to live in truth and to stand up to tyrrany also internally from Hamas and Iran

Why won´t Arab states around Gaza take in refugees?
There´s many people building the walls that make Palestine into whatever prison it is.

The narrative is already in place (the oppressor oppressed narrative):
all oppressed people are innocent and virtuous victims and all you have to do, to be moral, is to be on the side of the victim.
Problem with this simplified narrative:
you don´t have to think anymore and you can be moral without an effort

The kind of tribalism that we see in modern society fueled by social media has probably never been worse than in the last the weeks.

The probability of young liberal women who saturates her life with social media has a mental illness is more than 50%

 The psychopaths (4% of the population) can circumvent the normal control systems that obtain in face-to-face interaction - you can say whatever you want online and get away with it.
Do we want a society where any random narcissistic psychopath anywhere can say whatever they want to you and everyone you know.

Proposal for social media: separate people with verified identities from the anonymous types

The leader who motivates with fear is a tyrant

the ARC conference:

"You have a moral obligation to be optimistic about the future - confront the future with faith and courage"

Jordan Peterson är initiativtagare till the ARC conference (the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) som hölls för första gången i London den 30 oktober till 1 November i år. Se hans inspirerande invigningstal här - "We can tilt the world towards Heaven and away from Hell":

Avslutningsvis - för att lära känna Jordan Peterson och få en fördjupad inblick i vad han står för kan du läsa min summering av hans berömda bok "12 livsregler - ett motgift mot kaos" här.


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