Empathy Quotient - a female brain

I just took a test found in the book "A whole new mind" by Dan Pink, measuring the Empathy Quotient (EQ) using "Simon Baron-Cohen´s sixty-question intrument", which will determine whether you have a "female brain". My result was:

* Your score: 58
0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20)
33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42)
53 - 63 is above average
64 - 80 is very high
80 is maximum

But, to clarify things, I also did the test to check my "male brain" bona fides, measuring the Systemizing quotient (SQ). My result was:
* Your score: 17
0 - 19 = low
20 - 39 = average (most women score about 24 and most men score about 30)
40 - 50 = above average (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score in this range)
51 - 80 is very high (three times as many people with Asperger Syndrome score in this range, compared to typical men, and almost no women score in this range)
80 is maximum

So, as I expected, I score low on the "male brain" and above average for a "female brain" ;-)

To end, a RSA clip about "Zero Degrees of Empathy":
Professor Simon Baron Cohen presents a new way of understanding what it is that leads individuals down negative paths, and challenges all of us to consider replacing the idea of evil with the idea of empathy-erosion.


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