Taylor Swift 2023 Person of the Year

TIME har för 2023 utsett Taylor Swift till " Person of the Year " - Grattis! Enligt TIME så får hon priset för: In a divided world, where too many institutions are failing, Taylor Swift found a way to transcend borders and be a source of light. No one else on the planet today can move so many people so well While her popularity has grown across the decades, this is the year that Swift, 33, achieved a kind of nuclear fusion: shooting art and commerce together to release an energy of historic force. She did it by embracing what she does better than anyone, entertaining and writing songs that connect with people In the 17 years since her debut, Swift has notched more No. 1 albums than any other woman in history . This year alone she had three Indeed, this isn’t the first time Swift has been part of TIME Person of the Year; in 2017, she was among the “Silence Breakers” we recognized for standing up and speaking out against discrimination, harassment, a...